2 Chronicles 1:6

1:6 Solomon went up to the bronze altar before the Lord which was at the meeting tent, and he offered up a thousand burnt sacrifices.

2 Chronicles 4:19

4:19 Solomon also made these items for God’s temple: the gold altar, the tables on which the Bread of the Presence was kept,

2 Chronicles 8:12

8:12 Then Solomon offered burnt sacrifices to the Lord on the altar of the Lord which he had built in front of the temple’s porch.

2 Chronicles 9:24

9:24 Year after year visitors brought their gifts, which included items of silver, items of gold, clothes, perfume, spices, horses, and mules.

2 Chronicles 20:11

20:11 Look how they are repaying us! They come to drive us out of our allotted land which you assigned to us!

2 Chronicles 33:4

33:4 He built altars in the Lord’s temple, about which the Lord had said, “Jerusalem will be my permanent home.”