1 Samuel 3:18

3:18 So Samuel told him everything. He did not hold back anything from him. Eli said, “The Lord will do what he pleases.”

1 Samuel 9:17

9:17 When Samuel saw Saul, the Lord said, “Here is the man that I told you about! He will rule over my people.”

1 Samuel 17:27

17:27 The soldiers told him what had been promised, saying, “This is what will be done for the man who can strike him down.”

1 Samuel 18:26

18:26 So his servants told David these things and David agreed to become the king’s son-in-law. Now the specified time had not yet expired

1 Samuel 19:1-2

Saul Repeatedly Attempts to Take David’s Life

19:1 Then Saul told his son Jonathan and all his servants to kill David. But Saul’s son Jonathan liked David very much. 19:2 So Jonathan told David, “My father Saul is trying to kill you. So be careful tomorrow morning. Find a hiding place and stay in seclusion.

1 Samuel 19:7

19:7 Then Jonathan called David and told him all these things. Jonathan brought David to Saul, and he served him as he had done formerly.

1 Samuel 23:22

23:22 Go and make further arrangements. Determine precisely where he is and who has seen him there, for I am told that he is extremely cunning.

1 Samuel 25:12

25:12 So David’s servants went on their way. When they had returned, they came and told David all these things.

1 Samuel 25:14

25:14 But one of the servants told Nabal’s wife Abigail, “David sent messengers from the desert to greet our lord, but he screamed at them.

1 Samuel 25:37

25:37 In the morning, when Nabal was sober, his wife told him about these matters. He had a stroke and was paralyzed.