1 Samuel 2:23

2:23 He said to them, “Why do you behave in this way? For I hear about these evil things from all these people.

1 Samuel 5:6

5:6 The Lord attacked the residents of Ashdod severely, bringing devastation on them. He struck the people of both Ashdod and the surrounding area with sores.

1 Samuel 6:6

6:6 Why harden your hearts like the Egyptians and Pharaoh did? When God treated them harshly, didn’t the Egyptians send the Israelites on their way?

1 Samuel 6:10

6:10 So the men did as instructed. They took two cows that had calves and harnessed them to a cart; they also removed their calves to their stalls.

1 Samuel 7:11

7:11 Then the men of Israel left Mizpah and chased the Philistines, striking them down all the way to an area below Beth Car.

1 Samuel 8:16

8:16 He will take your male and female servants, as well as your best cattle and your donkeys, and assign them for his own use.

1 Samuel 10:4

10:4 They will ask you how you’re doing and will give you two loaves of bread. You will accept them.

1 Samuel 10:6

10:6 Then the spirit of the Lord will rush upon you and you will prophesy with them. You will be changed into a different person.

1 Samuel 10:23

10:23 So they ran and brought him from there. When he took his position among the people, he stood head and shoulders above them all.

1 Samuel 11:8

11:8 When Saul counted them at Bezek, the Israelites were 300,000 strong and the men of Judah numbered 30,000.

1 Samuel 11:12

Saul Is Established as King

11:12 Then the people said to Samuel, “Who were the ones asking, ‘Will Saul reign over us?’ Hand over those men so we may execute them!”

1 Samuel 13:16

13:16 Saul, his son Jonathan, and the army that remained with them stayed in Gibeah in the territory of Benjamin, while the Philistines camped in Micmash.

1 Samuel 14:9

14:9 If they say to us, ‘Stay put until we approach you,’ we will stay right there and not go up to them.

1 Samuel 14:22

14:22 When all the Israelites who had hidden themselves in the hill country of Ephraim heard that the Philistines had fled, they too pursued them in battle.

1 Samuel 14:37

14:37 So Saul asked God, “Should I go down after the Philistines? Will you deliver them into the hand of Israel?” But he did not answer him that day.

1 Samuel 15:4

15:4 So Saul assembled the army and mustered them at Telaim. There were 200,000 foot soldiers and 10,000 men of Judah.

1 Samuel 16:20

16:20 So Jesse took a donkey loaded with bread, a container of wine, and a young goat and sent them to Saul with his son David.

1 Samuel 19:8

19:8 Now once again there was war. So David went out to fight the Philistines. He defeated them thoroughly and they ran away from him.

1 Samuel 20:11

20:11 Jonathan said to David, “Come on. Let’s go out to the field.”

When the two of them had gone out into the field,

1 Samuel 22:4

22:4 So he had them stay with the king of Moab; they stayed with him the whole time that David was in the stronghold.

1 Samuel 23:5

23:5 So David and his men went to Keilah and fought the Philistines. He took away their cattle and thoroughly defeated them. David delivered the inhabitants of Keilah.

1 Samuel 23:18

23:18 When the two of them had made a covenant before the Lord, David stayed on at Horesh, but Jonathan went to his house.

1 Samuel 24:7

24:7 David restrained his men with these words and did not allow them to rise up against Saul. Then Saul left the cave and started down the road.

1 Samuel 25:5

25:5 he sent ten servants, saying to them, “Go up to Carmel to see Nabal and give him greetings in my name.

1 Samuel 25:14

25:14 But one of the servants told Nabal’s wife Abigail, “David sent messengers from the desert to greet our lord, but he screamed at them.

1 Samuel 25:16

25:16 Both night and day they were a protective wall for us the entire time we were with them, while we were tending our flocks.

1 Samuel 25:20

25:20 Riding on her donkey, she went down under cover of the mountain. David and his men were coming down to meet her, and she encountered them.

1 Samuel 26:13

26:13 Then David crossed to the other side and stood on the top of the hill some distance away; there was a considerable distance between them.

1 Samuel 30:20

30:20 David took all the flocks and herds and drove them in front of the rest of the animals. People were saying, “This is David’s plunder!”

1 Samuel 31:1

The Death of Saul

31:1 Now the Philistines were fighting against Israel. The men of Israel fled from the Philistines and many of them fell dead on Mount Gilboa.