1 Samuel 17:17

17:17 Jesse said to his son David, “Take your brothers this ephah of roasted grain and these ten loaves of bread; go quickly to the camp to your brothers.

1 Samuel 17:48

17:48 The Philistine drew steadily closer to David to attack him, while David quickly ran toward the battle line to attack the Philistine.

1 Samuel 20:19

20:19 On the third day you should go down quickly and come to the place where you hid yourself the day this all started. Stay near the stone Ezel.

1 Samuel 25:23

25:23 When Abigail saw David, she got down quickly from the donkey, threw herself down before David, and bowed to the ground.

1 Samuel 25:42

25:42 Then Abigail quickly went and mounted her donkey, with five of her female servants accompanying her. She followed David’s messengers and became his wife.

1 Samuel 28:24

28:24 Now the woman had a well-fed calf at her home that she quickly slaughtered. Taking some flour, she kneaded bread and baked it without leaven.