1 Samuel 1:5-6

1:5 But he would give a double portion to Hannah, because he especially loved her. Now the Lord had not enabled her to have children. 1:6 Her rival wife used to upset her and make her worry, for the Lord had not enabled her to have children.

1 Samuel 1:16

1:16 Don’t consider your servant a wicked woman, for until now I have spoken from my deep pain and anguish.”

1 Samuel 4:9

4:9 Be strong and act like men, you Philistines, or else you will wind up serving the Hebrews the way they have served you! Act like men and fight!”

1 Samuel 8:18

8:18 In that day you will cry out because of your king whom you have chosen for yourselves, but the Lord won’t answer you in that day.”

1 Samuel 12:13

12:13 Now look! Here is the king you have chosen – the one that you asked for! Look, the Lord has given you a king!

1 Samuel 14:30

14:30 Certainly if the army had eaten some of the enemies’ provisions that they came across today, would not the slaughter of the Philistines have been even greater?”

1 Samuel 15:13

15:13 When Samuel came to him, Saul said to him, “May the Lord bless you! I have done what the Lord said.”

1 Samuel 15:18

15:18 The Lord sent you on a campaign saying, ‘Go and exterminate those sinful Amalekites! Fight against them until you have destroyed them.’

1 Samuel 28:12

28:12 When the woman saw Samuel, she cried out loudly. The woman said to Saul, “Why have you deceived me? You are Saul!”