1 Kings 3:23
3:23 The king said, “One says, ‘My son is alive; your son is dead,’ while the other says, ‘No, your son is dead; my son is alive.’”
1 Kings 12:4
12:4 “Your father made us work too hard. Now if you lighten the demands he made and don’t make us work as hard, we will serve you.”
1 Kings 20:40
20:40 Well, it just so happened that while your servant was doing this and that, he disappeared.” The king of Israel said to him, “Your punishment is already determined by your own testimony.”
1 Kings 22:4
22:4 Then he said to Jehoshaphat, “Will you go with me to attack Ramoth Gilead?” Jehoshaphat replied to the king of Israel, “I will support you; my army and horses are at your disposal.”