1 Kings 2:7

2:7 “Treat fairly the sons of Barzillai of Gilead and provide for their needs, because they helped me when I had to flee from your brother Absalom.

1 Kings 3:2

3:2 Now the people were offering sacrifices at the high places, because in those days a temple had not yet been built to honor the Lord.

1 Kings 3:17

3:17 One of the women said, “My master, this woman and I live in the same house. I had a baby while she was with me in the house.

1 Kings 4:7

4:7 Solomon had twelve district governors appointed throughout Israel who acquired supplies for the king and his palace. Each was responsible for one month in the year.

1 Kings 4:20

Solomon’s Wealth and Fame

4:20 The people of Judah and Israel were as innumerable as the sand on the seashore; they had plenty to eat and drink and were happy.

1 Kings 5:12

5:12 So the Lord gave Solomon wisdom, as he had promised him. And Hiram and Solomon were at peace and made a treaty.

1 Kings 7:8

7:8 The palace where he lived was constructed in a similar way. He also constructed a palace like this hall for Pharaoh’s daughter, whom he had married.

1 Kings 7:17

7:17 The latticework on the tops of the pillars was adorned with ornamental wreaths and chains; the top of each pillar had seven groupings of ornaments.

1 Kings 7:30

7:30 Each stand had four bronze wheels with bronze axles and four supports. Under the basin the supports were fashioned on each side with wreaths.

1 Kings 7:40

7:40 Hiram also made basins, shovels, and bowls. He finished all the work on the Lord’s temple he had been assigned by King Solomon.

1 Kings 9:1

The Lord Gives Solomon a Promise and a Warning

9:1 After Solomon finished building the Lord’s temple, the royal palace, and all the other construction projects he had planned,

1 Kings 9:11

9:11 King Solomon gave King Hiram of Tyre twenty cities in the region of Galilee, because Hiram had supplied Solomon with cedars, evergreens, and all the gold he wanted.

1 Kings 10:13

10:13 King Solomon gave the queen of Sheba everything she requested, besides what he had freely offered her. Then she left and returned to her homeland with her attendants.

1 Kings 10:26

10:26 Solomon accumulated chariots and horses. He had 1,400 chariots and 12,000 horses. He kept them in assigned cities and in Jerusalem.

1 Kings 11:4

11:4 When Solomon became old, his wives shifted his allegiance to other gods; he was not wholeheartedly devoted to the Lord his God, as his father David had been.

1 Kings 11:6

11:6 Solomon did evil in the Lord’s sight; he did not remain loyal to the Lord, like his father David had.

1 Kings 11:10

11:10 and had warned him about this very thing, so that he would not follow other gods. But he did not obey the Lord’s command.

1 Kings 11:23

11:23 God also brought against Solomon another enemy, Rezon son of Eliada who had run away from his master, King Hadadezer of Zobah.

1 Kings 12:12

12:12 Jeroboam and all the people reported to Rehoboam on the third day, just as the king had ordered when he said, “Return to me on the third day.”

1 Kings 13:10

13:10 So he started back on another road; he did not travel back on the same road he had taken to Bethel.

1 Kings 13:12-13

13:12 Their father asked them, “Which road did he take?” His sons showed him the road the prophet from Judah had taken. 13:13 He then told his sons, “Saddle the donkey for me.” When they had saddled the donkey for him, he mounted it

1 Kings 14:22

14:22 Judah did evil in the sight of the Lord. They made him more jealous by their sins than their ancestors had done.

1 Kings 14:24

14:24 There were also male cultic prostitutes in the land. They committed the same horrible sins as the nations that the Lord had driven out from before the Israelites.

1 Kings 14:26

14:26 He took away the treasures of the Lord’s temple and of the royal palace; he took everything, including all the golden shields that Solomon had made.

1 Kings 15:3

15:3 He followed all the sinful practices of his father before him. He was not wholeheartedly devoted to the Lord his God, as his ancestor David had been.

1 Kings 15:12

15:12 He removed the male cultic prostitutes from the land and got rid of all the disgusting idols his ancestors had made.

1 Kings 15:15

15:15 He brought the holy items that he and his father had made into the Lord’s temple, including the silver, gold, and other articles.

1 Kings 17:16

17:16 The jar of flour was never empty and the jug of oil never ran out, just as the Lord had promised through Elijah.

1 Kings 18:30-31

18:30 Elijah then told all the people, “Approach me.” So all the people approached him. He repaired the altar of the Lord that had been torn down. 18:31 Then Elijah took twelve stones, corresponding to the number of tribes that descended from Jacob, to whom the Lord had said, “Israel will be your new name.”

1 Kings 19:1

Elijah Runs for His Life

19:1 Ahab told Jezebel all that Elijah had done, including a detailed account of how he killed all the prophets with the sword.

1 Kings 21:11

21:11 The men of the city, the leaders and the nobles who lived there, followed the written orders Jezebel had sent them.

1 Kings 21:25-26

21:25 (There had never been anyone like Ahab, who was firmly committed to doing evil in the sight of the Lord, urged on by his wife Jezebel. 21:26 He was so wicked he worshiped the disgusting idols, just like the Amorites whom the Lord had driven out from before the Israelites.)

1 Kings 22:38

22:38 They washed off the chariot at the pool of Samaria (this was where the prostitutes bathed); dogs licked his blood, just as the Lord had said would happen.