1 Kings 2:40

2:40 So Shimei got up, saddled his donkey, and went to Achish at Gath to find his servants; Shimei went and brought back his servants from Gath.

1 Kings 9:24

9:24 Solomon built the terrace as soon as Pharaoh’s daughter moved up from the city of David to the palace Solomon built for her.

1 Kings 14:7

14:7 Go, tell Jeroboam, ‘This is what the Lord God of Israel says: “I raised you up from among the people and made you ruler over my people Israel.

1 Kings 14:14

14:14 The Lord will raise up a king over Israel who will cut off Jeroboam’s dynasty. It is ready to happen!

1 Kings 14:17

14:17 So Jeroboam’s wife got up and went back to Tirzah. As she crossed the threshold of the house, the boy died.

1 Kings 16:3

16:3 So I am ready to burn up Baasha and his family, and make your family like the family of Jeroboam son of Nebat.

1 Kings 17:9

17:9 “Get up, go to Zarephath in Sidonian territory, and live there. I have already told a widow who lives there to provide for you.”

1 Kings 18:38

18:38 Then fire from the Lord fell from the sky. It consumed the offering, the wood, the stones, and the dirt, and licked up the water in the trench.

1 Kings 18:41

18:41 Then Elijah told Ahab, “Go on up and eat and drink, for the sound of a heavy rainstorm can be heard.”

1 Kings 19:3

19:3 Elijah was afraid, so he got up and fled for his life to Beer Sheba in Judah. He left his servant there,

1 Kings 19:5

19:5 He stretched out and fell asleep under the shrub. All of a sudden an angelic messenger touched him and said, “Get up and eat.”

1 Kings 21:16

21:16 When Ahab heard that Naboth was dead, he got up and went down to take possession of the vineyard of Naboth the Jezreelite.