1 Kings 1:8

1:8 But Zadok the priest, Benaiah son of Jehoiada, Nathan the prophet, Shimei, Rei, and David’s elite warriors did not ally themselves with Adonijah.

1 Kings 1:23

1:23 The king was told, “Nathan the prophet is here.” Nathan entered and bowed before the king with his face to the floor.

1 Kings 1:34

1:34 There Zadok the priest and Nathan the prophet will anoint him king over Israel; then blow the trumpet and declare, ‘Long live King Solomon!’

1 Kings 13:1

13:1 Just then a prophet from Judah, sent by the Lord, arrived in Bethel, as Jeroboam was standing near the altar ready to offer a sacrifice.

1 Kings 13:12

13:12 Their father asked them, “Which road did he take?” His sons showed him the road the prophet from Judah had taken.

1 Kings 17:24

17:24 The woman said to Elijah, “Now I know that you are a prophet and that the Lord really does speak through you.”

1 Kings 18:22

18:22 Elijah said to them: “I am the only prophet of the Lord who is left, but there are 450 prophets of Baal.

1 Kings 19:16

19:16 You must anoint Jehu son of Nimshi king over Israel, and Elisha son of Shaphat from Abel Meholah to take your place as prophet.

1 Kings 20:38

20:38 The prophet then went and stood by the road, waiting for the king. He also disguised himself by putting a bandage down over his eyes.

1 Kings 20:41

20:41 The prophet quickly removed the bandage from his eyes and the king of Israel recognized he was one of the prophets.