1 Kings 1:6

1:6 (Now his father had never corrected him by saying, “Why do you do such things?” He was also very handsome and had been born right after Absalom.)

1 Kings 2:44

2:44 Then the king said to Shimei, “You are well aware of the way you mistreated my father David. The Lord will punish you for what you did.

1 Kings 3:3

3:3 Solomon demonstrated his loyalty to the Lord by following the practices of his father David, except that he offered sacrifices and burned incense on the high places.

1 Kings 3:14

3:14 If you follow my instructions by obeying my rules and regulations, just as your father David did, then I will grant you long life.”

1 Kings 8:15

8:15 He said, “The Lord God of Israel is worthy of praise because he has fulfilled what he promised my father David.

1 Kings 8:18

8:18 The Lord told my father David, ‘It is right for you to have a strong desire to build a temple to honor me.

1 Kings 9:4

9:4 You must serve me with integrity and sincerity, just as your father David did. Do everything I commanded and obey my rules and regulations.

1 Kings 11:4

11:4 When Solomon became old, his wives shifted his allegiance to other gods; he was not wholeheartedly devoted to the Lord his God, as his father David had been.

1 Kings 11:6

11:6 Solomon did evil in the Lord’s sight; he did not remain loyal to the Lord, like his father David had.

1 Kings 11:17

11:17 Hadad, who was only a small boy at the time, escaped with some of his father’s Edomite servants and headed for Egypt.

1 Kings 11:43

11:43 Then Solomon passed away and was buried in the city of his father David. His son Rehoboam replaced him as king.

1 Kings 12:4

12:4 “Your father made us work too hard. Now if you lighten the demands he made and don’t make us work as hard, we will serve you.”

1 Kings 12:9

12:9 He asked them, “How do you advise me to respond to these people who said to me, ‘Lessen the demands your father placed on us’?”

1 Kings 13:12

13:12 Their father asked them, “Which road did he take?” His sons showed him the road the prophet from Judah had taken.

1 Kings 15:3

15:3 He followed all the sinful practices of his father before him. He was not wholeheartedly devoted to the Lord his God, as his ancestor David had been.

1 Kings 15:15

15:15 He brought the holy items that he and his father had made into the Lord’s temple, including the silver, gold, and other articles.

1 Kings 15:26

15:26 He did evil in the sight of the Lord. He followed in his father’s footsteps and encouraged Israel to sin.