1 Kings 1:21

1:21 If a decision is not made, when my master the king is buried with his ancestors, my son Solomon and I will be considered state criminals.”

1 Kings 2:7

2:7 “Treat fairly the sons of Barzillai of Gilead and provide for their needs, because they helped me when I had to flee from your brother Absalom.

1 Kings 3:5

3:5 One night in Gibeon the Lord appeared to Solomon in a dream. God said, “Tell me what I should give you.”

1 Kings 3:12-14

3:12 I grant your request, and give you a wise and discerning mind superior to that of anyone who has preceded or will succeed you. 3:13 Furthermore, I am giving you what you did not request – riches and honor so that you will be the greatest king of your generation. 3:14 If you follow my instructions by obeying my rules and regulations, just as your father David did, then I will grant you long life.”

1 Kings 8:27

8:27 “God does not really live on the earth! Look, if the sky and the highest heaven cannot contain you, how much less this temple I have built!

1 Kings 9:4

9:4 You must serve me with integrity and sincerity, just as your father David did. Do everything I commanded and obey my rules and regulations.

1 Kings 10:6

10:6 She said to the king, “The report I heard in my own country about your wise sayings and insight was true!

1 Kings 13:14

13:14 and took off after the prophet, whom he found sitting under an oak tree. He asked him, “Are you the prophet from Judah?” He answered, “Yes, I am.”

1 Kings 14:7

14:7 Go, tell Jeroboam, ‘This is what the Lord God of Israel says: “I raised you up from among the people and made you ruler over my people Israel.

1 Kings 16:3

16:3 So I am ready to burn up Baasha and his family, and make your family like the family of Jeroboam son of Nebat.

1 Kings 17:9

17:9 “Get up, go to Zarephath in Sidonian territory, and live there. I have already told a widow who lives there to provide for you.”

1 Kings 17:20

17:20 Then he called out to the Lord, “O Lord, my God, are you also bringing disaster on this widow I am staying with by killing her son?”

1 Kings 17:24

17:24 The woman said to Elijah, “Now I know that you are a prophet and that the Lord really does speak through you.”

1 Kings 18:22

18:22 Elijah said to them: “I am the only prophet of the Lord who is left, but there are 450 prophets of Baal.

1 Kings 19:18

19:18 I still have left in Israel seven thousand followers who have not bowed their knees to Baal or kissed the images of him.”

1 Kings 20:5

20:5 The messengers came again and said, “This is what Ben Hadad says, ‘I sent this message to you, “You must give me your silver, gold, wives, and sons.”

1 Kings 21:22

21:22 I will make your dynasty like those of Jeroboam son of Nebat and Baasha son of Ahijah because you angered me and made Israel sin.’

1 Kings 22:16

22:16 The king said to him, “How many times must I make you solemnly promise in the name of the Lord to tell me only the truth?”

1 Kings 22:18

22:18 The king of Israel said to Jehoshaphat, “Didn’t I tell you he does not prophesy prosperity for me, but disaster?”

1 Kings 22:21

22:21 Then a spirit stepped forward and stood before the Lord. He said, ‘I will deceive him.’ The Lord asked him, ‘How?’

1 Kings 22:27

22:27 Say, ‘This is what the king says, “Put this man in prison. Give him only a little bread and water until I safely return.”’”