1 Kings 1:14

1:14 While you are still there speaking to the king, I will arrive and verify your report.”

1 Kings 1:22

1:22 Just then, while she was still speaking to the king, Nathan the prophet arrived.

1 Kings 2:18

2:18 Bathsheba replied, “That’s fine, I’ll speak to the king on your behalf.”

1 Kings 2:25

2:25 King Solomon then sent Benaiah son of Jehoiada, and he killed Adonijah.

1 Kings 3:16

Solomon Demonstrates His Wisdom

3:16 Then two prostitutes came to the king and stood before him.

1 Kings 5:13

5:13 King Solomon conscripted work crews from throughout Israel, 30,000 men in all.

1 Kings 8:62

Solomon Dedicates the Temple

8:62 The king and all Israel with him were presenting sacrifices to the Lord.

1 Kings 9:14

9:14 Hiram had sent to the king one hundred twenty talents of gold.

1 Kings 10:3

10:3 Solomon answered all her questions; there was no question too complex for the king.

1 Kings 10:18

10:18 The king made a large throne decorated with ivory and overlaid it with pure gold.

1 Kings 10:23

10:23 King Solomon was wealthier and wiser than any of the kings of the earth.

1 Kings 11:14

11:14 The Lord brought against Solomon an enemy, Hadad the Edomite, a descendant of the Edomite king.

1 Kings 12:1

Rehoboam Loses His Kingdom

12:1 Rehoboam traveled to Shechem, for all Israel had gathered in Shechem to make Rehoboam king.

1 Kings 12:13

12:13 The king responded to the people harshly. He rejected the advice of the older men

1 Kings 15:16

15:16 Now Asa and King Baasha of Israel were continually at war with each other.

1 Kings 15:32

15:32 Asa and King Nadab of Israel were continually at war with each other.

1 Kings 16:6

16:6 Baasha passed away and was buried in Tirzah. His son Elah replaced him as king.

1 Kings 16:28

16:28 Omri passed away and was buried in Samaria. His son Ahab replaced him as king.

1 Kings 18:16

Elijah Confronts Baal’s Prophets

18:16 When Obadiah went and informed Ahab, the king went to meet Elijah.

1 Kings 20:2

20:2 He sent messengers to King Ahab of Israel, who was in the city.

1 Kings 20:43

20:43 The king of Israel went home to Samaria bitter and angry.

1 Kings 22:9

22:9 The king of Israel summoned an official and said, “Quickly bring Micaiah son of Imlah.”

1 Kings 22:37

22:37 So the king died and was taken to Samaria, where they buried him.

1 Kings 22:47

22:47 There was no king in Edom at this time; a governor ruled.