1 Kings 1:12

1:12 Now let me give you some advice as to how you can save your life and your son Solomon’s life.

1 Kings 2:17

2:17 He said, “Please ask King Solomon if he would give me Abishag the Shunammite as a wife, for he won’t refuse you.”

1 Kings 2:33

2:33 May Joab and his descendants be perpetually guilty of their shed blood, but may the Lord give perpetual peace to David, his descendants, his family, and his dynasty.”

1 Kings 3:5

3:5 One night in Gibeon the Lord appeared to Solomon in a dream. God said, “Tell me what I should give you.”

1 Kings 3:12

3:12 I grant your request, and give you a wise and discerning mind superior to that of anyone who has preceded or will succeed you.

1 Kings 5:8

5:8 Hiram then sent this message to Solomon: “I received the message you sent to me. I will give you all the cedars and evergreens you need.

1 Kings 8:32

8:32 Listen from heaven and make a just decision about your servants’ claims. Condemn the guilty party, declare the other innocent, and give both of them what they deserve.

1 Kings 9:13

9:13 Hiram asked, “Why did you give me these cities, my friend?” He called that area the region of Cabul, a name which it has retained to this day.

1 Kings 11:22

11:22 Pharaoh said to him, “What do you lack here that makes you want to go to your homeland?” Hadad replied, “Nothing, but please give me permission to leave.”

1 Kings 20:5

20:5 The messengers came again and said, “This is what Ben Hadad says, ‘I sent this message to you, “You must give me your silver, gold, wives, and sons.”

1 Kings 22:27

22:27 Say, ‘This is what the king says, “Put this man in prison. Give him only a little bread and water until I safely return.”’”