1 Chronicles 9:29

9:29 Some of them were in charge of the equipment and articles of the sanctuary, as well as the flour, wine, olive oil, incense, and spices.

1 Chronicles 13:14

13:14 The ark of God remained in Obed-Edom’s house for three months; the Lord blessed Obed-Edom’s family and everything that belonged to him.

1 Chronicles 21:4

21:4 But the king’s edict stood, despite Joab’s objections. So Joab left and traveled throughout Israel before returning to Jerusalem.

1 Chronicles 29:5

29:5 for gold and silver items, and for all the work of the craftsmen. Who else wants to contribute to the Lord today?”

1 Chronicles 29:10

David Praises the Lord

29:10 David praised the Lord before the entire assembly:

“O Lord God of our father Israel, you deserve praise forevermore!