1 Chronicles 2:7

2:7 The son of Carmi:

Achan, who brought the disaster on Israel when he stole what was devoted to God.

1 Chronicles 6:15

6:15 Jehozadak went into exile when the Lord sent the people of Judah and Jerusalem into exile by the hand of Nebuchadnezzar.

1 Chronicles 9:20

9:20 Phinehas son of Eleazar had been their leader in earlier times, and the Lord was with him.

1 Chronicles 9:23

9:23 They and their descendants were assigned to guard the gates of the Lord’s sanctuary (that is, the tabernacle).

1 Chronicles 11:9

11:9 David’s power steadily grew, for the Lord who commands armies was with him.

1 Chronicles 16:2

16:2 When David finished offering burnt sacrifices and peace offerings, he pronounced a blessing over the people in the Lord’s name.

1 Chronicles 16:7-8

David Thanks God

16:7 That day David first gave to Asaph and his colleagues this song of thanks to the Lord:

16:8 Give thanks to the Lord!

Call on his name!

Make known his accomplishments among the nations!

1 Chronicles 16:10

16:10 Boast about his holy name!

Let the hearts of those who seek the Lord rejoice!

1 Chronicles 16:23

16:23 Sing to the Lord, all the earth!

Announce every day how he delivers!

1 Chronicles 16:30-31

16:30 Tremble before him, all the earth!

The world is established, it cannot be moved.

16:31 Let the heavens rejoice, and the earth be happy!

Let the nations say, ‘The Lord reigns!’

1 Chronicles 16:33-34

16:33 Then let the trees of the forest shout with joy before the Lord,

for he comes to judge the earth!

16:34 Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good

and his loyal love endures.

1 Chronicles 21:14

21:14 So the Lord sent a plague through Israel, and 70,000 Israelite men died.

1 Chronicles 21:19

21:19 So David went up as Gad instructed him to do in the name of the Lord.

1 Chronicles 21:27

21:27 The Lord ordered the messenger to put his sword back into its sheath.

1 Chronicles 22:16

22:16 in using gold, silver, bronze, and iron. Get up and begin the work! May the Lord be with you!”

1 Chronicles 23:30

23:30 They also stood in a designated place every morning and offered thanks and praise to the Lord. They also did this in the evening

1 Chronicles 26:22

26:22 and the sons of Jehieli, Zetham and his brother Joel. They were in charge of the storehouses in the Lord’s temple.

1 Chronicles 28:10

28:10 Realize now that the Lord has chosen you to build a temple as his sanctuary. Be strong and do it!”