1 Chronicles 1:29

1:29 These were their descendants:

Ishmael’s Descendants

Ishmael’s firstborn son was Nebaioth; the others were Kedar, Adbeel, Mibsam,

1 Chronicles 2:7

2:7 The son of Carmi:

Achan, who brought the disaster on Israel when he stole what was devoted to God.

1 Chronicles 4:8

4:8 and Koz, who was the father of Anub, Hazzobebah, and the clans of Aharhel the son of Harum.

1 Chronicles 7:3

7:3 The son of Uzzi:


The sons of Izrahiah:

Michael, Obadiah, Joel, and Isshiah. All five were leaders.

1 Chronicles 7:10

7:10 The son of Jediael:


The sons of Bilhan:

Jeush, Benjamin, Ehud, Kenaanah, Zethan, Tarshish, and Ahishahar.

1 Chronicles 9:20

9:20 Phinehas son of Eleazar had been their leader in earlier times, and the Lord was with him.

1 Chronicles 9:31

9:31 Mattithiah, a Levite, the firstborn son of Shallum the Korahite, was in charge of baking the bread for offerings.

1 Chronicles 11:12

11:12 Next in command was Eleazar son of Dodo the Ahohite. He was one of the three elite warriors.

1 Chronicles 11:24

11:24 Such were the exploits of Benaiah son of Jehoiada, who gained fame along with the three elite warriors.

1 Chronicles 16:38

16:38 including Obed-Edom and sixty-eight colleagues. Obed-Edom son of Jeduthun and Hosah were gatekeepers.

1 Chronicles 22:6-7

22:6 He summoned his son Solomon and charged him to build a temple for the Lord God of Israel. 22:7 David said to Solomon: “My son, I really wanted to build a temple to honor the Lord my God.

1 Chronicles 23:1

David Organizes the Levites

23:1 When David was old and approaching the end of his life, he made his son Solomon king over Israel.

1 Chronicles 23:17

23:17 The son of Eliezer was Rehabiah, the oldest. Eliezer had no other sons, but Rehabiah had many descendants.

1 Chronicles 26:1

Divisions of Gatekeepers

26:1 The divisions of the gatekeepers:

From the Korahites: Meshelemiah, son of Kore, one of the sons of Asaph.

1 Chronicles 26:6

26:6 His son Shemaiah also had sons, who were leaders of their families, for they were highly respected.

1 Chronicles 29:28

29:28 He died at a good old age, having enjoyed long life, wealth, and honor. His son Solomon succeeded him.