Psalms 78:25

78:25 Man ate the food of the mighty ones.

He sent them more than enough to eat.

Psalms 78:29

78:29 They ate until they were stuffed;

he gave them what they desired.

Psalms 105:35

105:35 They ate all the vegetation in their land,

and devoured the crops of their fields.

Psalms 106:28

106:28 They worshiped Baal of Peor,

and ate sacrifices offered to the dead.

sn Because of the reference to “heaven” in the preceding verse, it is likely that mighty ones refers here to the angels of heaven. The LXX translates “angels” here, as do a number of modern translations (NEB, NIV, NRSV).

tn Heb “provision he sent to them to satisfaction.”

tn Heb “and they ate and were very satisfied.”

tn Heb “the fruit of their ground.”

tn Heb “joined themselves to.”

sn They worshiped Baal of Peor. See Num 25:3, 5. Baal of Peor was a local manifestation of the Canaanite deity Baal located at Peor.

tn Here “the dead” may refer to deceased ancestors (see Deut 26:14). Another option is to understand the term as a derogatory reference to the various deities which the Israelites worshiped at Peor along with Baal (see Num 25:2 and L. C. Allen, Psalms 101-150 [WBC], 49).