Psalms 78:23-24

78:23 He gave a command to the clouds above,

and opened the doors in the sky.

78:24 He rained down manna for them to eat;

he gave them the grain of heaven.

Psalms 78:29

78:29 They ate until they were stuffed;

he gave them what they desired.

Psalms 78:46

78:46 He gave their crops to the grasshopper,

the fruit of their labor to the locust.

Psalms 81:12

81:12 I gave them over to their stubborn desires;

they did what seemed right to them.

Psalms 105:10

105:10 He gave it to Jacob as a decree,

to Israel as a lasting promise,

Psalms 107:25

107:25 He gave the order for a windstorm,

and it stirred up the waves of the sea.

Psalms 135:12

135:12 He gave their land as an inheritance,

as an inheritance to Israel his people.

Psalms 136:21

136:21 and gave their land as an inheritance,

for his loyal love endures,

sn Manna was apparently shaped like a seed (Exod 16:31), perhaps explaining why it is here compared to grain.

tn Heb “and they ate and were very satisfied.”

tn Heb “and I sent him away in the stubbornness of their heart.”

tn Heb “they walked in their counsel.” The prefixed verbal form is either preterite (“walked”) or a customary imperfect (“were walking”).

tn Or “eternal covenant.”

tn Heb “he spoke and caused to stand a stormy wind.”

tn Heb “and it stirred up its [i.e., the sea’s, see v. 23] waves.”