6:16 “‘Then the priest must present all these 1 before the Lord and offer 2 his purification offering and his burnt offering.
1 tn “all these” is supplied as the object.
2 tn Heb “make.”
3 tn The verb is simply “stand,” but in the more general sense of waiting to hear the answer.
4 tn The cohortative may be subordinated to the imperative: “stand…[that I] may hear.”
5 tn The verse has a temporal clause that actually continues or supplements the temporal clause of the preceding verse. It is made up of the temporal indicator, the infinitive construct with the preposition, and the suffixed subjective genitive: “and it shall be when you eat.” Here it is translated simply “and eat” since the temporal element was introduced in the last verse.
6 tn This is the תְּרוּמָה (tÿrumah), the “raised offering” or “heave offering” (cf. KJV, ASV). It may simply be called a “contribution” (so NAB). The verb of the sentence is from the same root: “you shall lift up/raise up.” It was to be an offering separated from the rest and raised up to the
7 tn In this case “lodge” is not used, but “remain, reside” (שְׁבוּ, shÿvu).
8 tn This clause is also a verbal hendiadys: “what the