Numbers 3:15

3:15 “Number the Levites by their clans and their families; every male from a month old and upward you are to number.”

Numbers 3:28

3:28 Counting every male from a month old and upward, there were 8,600. They were responsible for the care of the sanctuary.

Numbers 15:11

15:11 This is what is to be done for each ox, or each ram, or each of the male lambs or the goats.

Numbers 18:10

18:10 You are to eat it as a most holy offering; every male may eat it. It will be holy to you.

Numbers 28:15

28:15 And one male goat must be offered to the Lord as a purification offering, in addition to the continual burnt offering and its drink offering.

Numbers 29:16

29:16 along with one male goat for a purification offering, in addition to the continual burnt offering with its grain offering and its drink offering.

Numbers 29:19

29:19 along with one male goat for a purification offering, in addition to the continual burnt offering with its grain offering and their drink offerings.

Numbers 29:22

29:22 along with one male goat for a purification offering, in addition to the continual burnt offering with its grain offering and its drink offering.

Numbers 29:25

29:25 along with one male goat for a purification offering, in addition to the continual burnt offering with its grain offering and its drink offering.

Numbers 29:28

29:28 along with one male goat for a purification offering, in addition to the continual burnt offering with its grain offering and its drink offering.

Numbers 29:31

29:31 along with one male goat for a purification offering, in addition to the continual burnt offering with its grain offering and its drink offering.

Numbers 29:34

29:34 along with one male goat for a purification offering, in addition to the continual burnt offering with its grain offering and its drink offering.

Numbers 29:38

29:38 along with one male goat for a purification offering, in addition to the continual burnt offering with its grain offering and its drink offering.

tn Heb “the house of their fathers.” So also in v. 20.

tn Heb “you are to/shall number them.”

tn The construction here is a little different. The Hebrew text uses the participle in construct plural: שֹׁמְרֵי (shomÿrey, literally “keepers of”). The form specifies the duties of the 8,600 Kohathites. The genitive that follows this participle is the cognate מִשְׁמֶרֶת (mishmeret) that has been used before. So the expression indicates that they were responsible for the care of this part of the cult center. There is no reason to delete one of the forms (as does J. A. Paterson, Numbers, 42), for the repetition stresses the central importance of their work.

tn Heb “according to thus shall it be done.”

tn Heb “one kid of the goats.”