Numbers 2:34

2:34 So the Israelites did according to all that the Lord commanded Moses; that is the way they camped under their standards, and that is the way they traveled, each with his clan and family.

Numbers 36:1

Women and Land Inheritance

36:1 Then the heads of the family groups of the Gileadites, the descendant of Machir, the descendant of Manasseh, who were from the Josephite families, approached and spoke before Moses and the leaders who were the heads of the Israelite families.

Numbers 36:6

36:6 This is what the Lord has commanded for Zelophehad’s daughters: ‘Let them marry whomever they think best, only they must marry within the family of their father’s tribe.

tn The Hebrew word is כֵּן (ken, “thus, so”).

tn The expression is “the heads of the fathers by the family of the Gileadites.”

tn The Greek and the Syriac add “and before Eleazar the priest.”

tn Heb “heads of the fathers.”

tn Heb “the word that.”

tn The idiom again is “let them be for wives for….”

tn Heb “to the one who is good in their eyes.”