Numbers 15:11

15:11 This is what is to be done for each ox, or each ram, or each of the male lambs or the goats.

Numbers 23:2

23:2 So Balak did just as Balaam had said. Balak and Balaam then offered on each altar a bull and a ram.

Numbers 23:4

23:4 Then God met Balaam, who said to him, “I have prepared seven altars, and I have offered on each altar a bull and a ram.”

Numbers 28:27-28

28:27 But you must offer as the burnt offering, as a sweet aroma to the Lord, two young bulls, one ram, seven lambs one year old, 28:28 with their grain offering of finely ground flour mixed with olive oil: three-tenths of an ephah for each bull, two-tenths for the one ram,

Numbers 29:2

29:2 You must offer a burnt offering as a sweet aroma to the Lord: one young bull, one ram, and seven lambs one year old without blemish.

Numbers 29:9

29:9 Their grain offering must be of finely ground flour mixed with olive oil, three-tenths of an ephah for the bull, two-tenths for the ram,

Numbers 29:37

29:37 and with their grain offering and their drink offerings for the bull, for the ram, and for the lambs, according to their number as prescribed,

tn Heb “according to thus shall it be done.”

tn The Hebrew text has “on the altar,” but since there were seven of each animal and seven altars, the implication is that this means on each altar.

tn The relative pronoun is added here in place of the conjunction to clarify that Balaam is speaking to God and not vice versa.