Numbers 14:5

14:5 Then Moses and Aaron fell down with their faces to the ground before the whole assembled community of the Israelites.

Numbers 15:33

15:33 Those who found him gathering wood brought him to Moses and Aaron and to the whole community.

Numbers 15:36

15:36 So the whole community took him outside the camp and stoned him to death, just as the Lord commanded Moses.

Numbers 20:27

20:27 So Moses did as the Lord commanded; and they went up Mount Hor in the sight of the whole community.

Numbers 20:29

20:29 When all the community saw that Aaron was dead, the whole house of Israel mourned for Aaron thirty days.

sn This action of Moses and Aaron is typical of them in the wilderness with the Israelites. The act shows self-abasement and deference before the sovereign Lord. They are not bowing before the people here, but in front of the people they bow before God. According to Num 17:6-15 this prostration is for the purpose of intercessory prayer. Here it prevents immediate wrath from God.

tn Heb “before all the assembly of the congregation.”

tn Heb “stoned him with stones, and he died.”

tn Heb “eyes.”