Nehemiah 7:9-10

7:9 the descendants of Shephatiah, 372;

7:10 the descendants of Arah, 652;

Nehemiah 7:13-16

7:13 the descendants of Zattu, 845;

7:14 the descendants of Zaccai, 760;

7:15 the descendants of Binnui, 648;

7:16 the descendants of Bebai, 628;

Nehemiah 7:18

7:18 the descendants of Adonikam, 667;

Nehemiah 7:20

7:20 the descendants of Adin, 655;

Nehemiah 7:22-25

7:22 the descendants of Hashum, 328;

7:23 the descendants of Bezai, 324;

7:24 the descendants of Harif, 112;

7:25 the descendants of Gibeon, 95;

Nehemiah 7:35-36

7:35 the descendants of Harim, 320;

7:36 the descendants of Jericho, 345;

Nehemiah 7:57

7:57 The descendants of the servants of Solomon:

the descendants of Sotai, the descendants of Sophereth, the descendants of Perida,

Nehemiah 7:59

7:59 the descendants of Shephatiah, the descendants of Hattil, the descendants of Pokereth-Hazzebaim, and the descendants of Amon.