Leviticus 9:2

9:2 and said to Aaron, “Take for yourself a bull calf for a sin offering and a ram for a burnt offering, both flawless, and present them before the Lord.

Leviticus 11:9

Clean and Unclean Water Creatures

11:9 “‘These you can eat from all creatures that are in the water: Any creatures in the water that have both fins and scales, whether in the seas or in the streams, you may eat.

Leviticus 20:5

20:5 I myself will set my face against that man and his clan. I will cut off from the midst of their people both him and all who follow after him in spiritual prostitution, to commit prostitution by worshiping Molech.

Leviticus 20:11-12

20:11 If a man has sexual intercourse with his father’s wife, he has exposed his father’s nakedness. Both of them must be put to death; their blood guilt is on themselves. 20:12 If a man has sexual intercourse with his daughter-in-law, both of them must be put to death. They have committed perversion; their blood guilt is on themselves.

Leviticus 27:10

27:10 He must not replace or exchange it, good for bad or bad for good, and if he does indeed exchange one animal for another animal, then both the original animal and its substitute will be holy.

Leviticus 27:33

27:33 The owner must not examine the animals to distinguish between good and bad, and he must not exchange it. If, however, he does exchange it, 10  both the original animal 11  and its substitute will be holy. 12  It must not be redeemed.’”

tn Heb “all which have fin and scale” (see also vv. 10 and 12).

tn Heb “in the water, in the seas and in the streams” (see also vv. 10 and 12).

tn The adjective “spiritual” has been supplied in the translation to clarify that this is not a reference to literal prostitution, but figuratively compares idolatry to prostitution.

tn Heb “to commit harlotry after Molech.” The translation employs “worshiping” here for clarity (cf. NAB, NCV, TEV, CEV, NLT). On the “cut off” penalty see the note on Lev 7:20.

sn See the note on Lev 18:7 above.

tn See the note on v. 9 above.

tn The Hebrew term תֶּבֶל (tevel, “perversion”) derives from the verb “to mix; to confuse” (cf. KJV, ASV “they have wrought confusion”).

tn Heb “it and its substitute.” The referent (the original animal offered) has been specified in the translation for clarity.

tn Heb “he”; the referent (the owner of the animal) has been specified in the translation for clarity.

10 tn Heb “And if exchanging [infinitive absolute] he exchanges it [finite verb].” For the infinitive absolute used to highlight contrast rather than emphasis see GKC 343 §113.p.

11 tn Heb “it and its substitute.” The referent (the original animal offered) has been specified in the translation for clarity.

12 tn Heb “it shall be and its substitute shall be holy.”