Joshua 2:4

2:4 But the woman hid the two men and replied, “Yes, these men were clients of mine, but I didn’t know where they came from.

Joshua 2:24--3:1

2:24 They told Joshua, “Surely the Lord is handing over all the land to us! All who live in the land are cringing before us!”

Israel Crosses the Jordan

3:1 Bright and early the next morning Joshua and the Israelites left Shittim and came to the Jordan. They camped there before crossing the river.

Joshua 5:5

5:5 Now all the men who left were circumcised, but all the sons born on the journey through the desert after they left Egypt were uncircumcised.

Joshua 5:7

5:7 He replaced them with their sons, 10  whom Joshua circumcised. They were uncircumcised; their fathers had not circumcised them along the way.

Joshua 5:12

5:12 The manna stopped appearing the day they ate 11  some of the produce of the land; the Israelites never ate manna again. 12 

Joshua 6:19

6:19 All the silver and gold, as well as bronze and iron items, belong to the Lord. 13  They must go into the Lord’s treasury.”

Joshua 6:21

6:21 They annihilated with the sword everything that breathed in the city, 14  including men and women, young and old, as well as cattle, sheep, and donkeys.

Joshua 7:7

7:7 Joshua prayed, 15  “O, Master, Lord! Why did you bring these people across the Jordan to hand us over to the Amorites so they could destroy us?

Joshua 7:23

7:23 They took it all from the middle of the tent, brought it to Joshua and all the Israelites, and placed 16  it before the Lord.

Joshua 8:5

8:5 I and all the troops 17  who are with me will approach the city. When they come out to fight us like before, we will retreat from them.

Joshua 8:9

8:9 Joshua sent them away and they went to their hiding place 18  west of Ai, between Bethel 19  and Ai. 20  Joshua spent that night with the army. 21 

Joshua 8:11

8:11 All the troops that were with him marched up and drew near the city. 22  They camped north of Ai on the other side of the valley. 23 

Joshua 8:34

8:34 Then 24  Joshua read aloud all the words of the law, including the blessings and the curses, just as they are written in the law scroll.

Joshua 9:5

9:5 They had worn-out, patched sandals on their feet and dressed in worn-out clothes. All their bread 25  was dry and hard. 26 

Joshua 9:8

9:8 But they said to Joshua, “We are willing to be your subjects.” 27  So Joshua said to them, “Who are you and where do you come from?”

Joshua 9:13

9:13 These wineskins we filled were brand new, but look how they have ripped. Our clothes and sandals have worn out because it has been a very long journey.”

Joshua 9:21

9:21 The leaders then added, 28  “Let them live.” So they became 29  woodcutters and water carriers for the whole community, as the leaders had decided. 30 

Joshua 11:4

11:4 These kings came out with their armies; they were as numerous as the sand on the seashore and had a large number of horses and chariots. 31 

Joshua 11:14

11:14 The Israelites plundered all the goods of these cities and the cattle, but they totally destroyed all the people 32  and allowed no one who breathed to live.

Joshua 11:20

11:20 for the Lord determined to make them obstinate so they would attack Israel. He wanted Israel to annihilate them without mercy, as he had instructed Moses. 33 

Joshua 19:50

19:50 As the Lord had instructed, they gave him the city he requested – Timnath Serah in the Ephraimite hill country. He built up the city and lived in it.

Joshua 21:10-11

21:10 They were assigned to the Kohathite clans of the Levites who were descendants of Aaron, 34  for the first lot belonged to them. 21:11 They assigned them Kiriath Arba (Arba was the father of Anak), that is, Hebron, in the hill country of Judah, along with its surrounding grazing areas.

Joshua 21:13

21:13 So to the descendants of Aaron the priest they assigned Hebron (a city of refuge for one who committed manslaughter), Libnah,

Joshua 21:25

21:25 From the half-tribe of Manasseh they assigned Taanach and Gath Rimmon, 35  along with the grazing areas of each – a total of two cities.

Joshua 21:43

21:43 So the Lord gave Israel all the land he had solemnly promised to their ancestors, 36  and they conquered 37  it and lived in it.

Joshua 22:15

22:15 They went to the land of Gilead to the Reubenites, Gadites, and the half-tribe of Manasseh, and said to them:

Joshua 22:30

22:30 When Phinehas the priest and the community leaders and clan leaders who accompanied him heard the defense of the Reubenites, Gadites, and the Manassehites, 38  they were satisfied. 39 

Joshua 24:1

Israel Renews its Commitment to the Lord

24:1 Joshua assembled all the Israelite tribes at Shechem. He summoned Israel’s elders, rulers, judges, and leaders, and they appeared before God.

Joshua 24:22

24:22 Joshua said to the people, “Do you agree to be witnesses against yourselves that you have chosen to worship the Lord?” 40  They replied, “We are witnesses!” 41 

Joshua 24:33

24:33 Eleazar son of Aaron died, and they buried him in Gibeah in the hill country of Ephraim, where his son Phinehas had been assigned land. 42 

tn Heb “The woman took the two men and hid him.” The third masculine singular pronominal suffix on “hid” has to be a scribal error (see GKC §135.p).

tn Heb “the men came to me.” See the note on this phrase in v. 3.

tn Heb “Surely the Lord has given into our hand all the land.” The report by the spies uses the Hebrew perfect, suggesting certitude.

tn Heb “are melting away because of us.”

tn Heb “And Joshua arose early in the morning and he and the Israelites left Shittim and came to the Jordan.”

tn The words “the river,” though not in the Hebrew text, have been supplied in the translation for clarity.

tn Or “indeed.”

tn Heb “people.”

tn Heb “all the people.”

10 tn Heb “their sons he raised up in their place.”

11 tn Heb “the day after, when they ate.” The present translation assumes this means the day after the Passover, though it is possible it refers to the day after they began eating the land’s produce.

12 tn Heb “and the sons of Israel had no more manna.”

13 tn Heb “it is holy to the Lord.”

14 tn Heb “all which was in the city.”

15 tn Heb “said.”

16 tn Heb “poured out,” probably referring to the way the silver pieces poured out of their container.

17 tn Heb “the people.”

18 tn Or “the place of ambush.”

19 map For location see Map4-G4; Map5-C1; Map6-E3; Map7-D1; Map8-G3.

20 tn Heb “and they stayed between Bethel and Ai, west of Ai.”

21 tn Heb “in the midst of the people.”

22 tn Heb “All the people of war who were with him went up and approached and came opposite the city.”

23 tn Heb “and the valley [was] between them and Ai.”

24 tn Or “afterward.”

25 tn Heb “all the bread of their provisions.”

26 tn Or “moldy.”

27 tn Heb “we are your servants.”

28 tc Heb “and the leaders said to them.” The LXX omits the words “and the leaders said to them.”

29 tn The vav (ו) consecutive construction in the Hebrew text suggests that the narrative resumes at this point. The LXX reads here, “and they will be,” understanding what follows to be a continuation of the leaders’ words rather than a comment by the narrator.

30 tn Heb “as the leaders said to them.”

31 tn Heb “They and all their camps with them came out, a people as numerous as the sand which is on the edge of the sea in multitude, and [with] horses and chariots very numerous.”

32 tn Heb “but all the people they struck down with the edge of the sword until they destroyed them.”

33 tn Heb “for from the Lord it was to harden their heart[s] to meet for the battle with Israel, in order to annihilate them, so that they would receive no mercy, in order annihilate them, as the Lord commanded Moses.”

34 tn Heb “and it belonged to the sons of Aaron, from the Kohathite clans, from the sons of Levi.”

35 tn The name “Gath Rimmon” is problematic here, for it appears in the preceding list of Danite cities. The LXX reads “Iebatha”; 1 Chr 6:55 HT (6:70 ET) reads “Bileam.” Most modern translations retain the name “Gath Rimmon,” however.

36 tn Heb “which he had sworn to give to their fathers.”

37 tn Or “possessed.”

38 tn Heb “the sons of Reuben, and the sons of Gad, and the sons of Manasseh.”

39 tn Heb “it was good in their eyes.”

40 tn Heb “You are witnesses against yourselves that you have chosen for yourselves the Lord to serve him.”

41 sn Like witnesses in a court of law, Israel’s solemn vow to worship the Lord will testify against them in the divine court if the nation ever violates its commitment.

42 tn Heb “in Gibeah of Phinehas, his son, which had been given to him in the hill country of Ephraim.”