John 4:30

4:30 So they left the town and began coming to him.

John 11:53

11:53 So from that day they planned together to kill him.

John 12:10

12:10 So the chief priests planned to kill Lazarus too,

John 20:10

Jesus’ Appearance to Mary Magdalene

20:10 So the disciples went back to their homes.

tn “So” is supplied for transitional smoothness in English.

sn The imperfect tense is here rendered began coming for the author is not finished with this part of the story yet; these same Samaritans will appear again in v. 35.

sn According to John 11:53 the Jewish leadership had already planned to kill Jesus. This plot against Lazarus apparently never got beyond the planning stage, however, since no further mention is made of it by the author.