John 12:44-48

Jesus’ Final Public Words

12:44 But Jesus shouted out, “The one who believes in me does not believe in me, but in the one who sent me, 12:45 and the one who sees me sees the one who sent me. 12:46 I have come as a light into the world, so that everyone who believes in me should not remain in darkness. 12:47 If anyone hears my words and does not obey them, I do not judge him. For I have not come to judge the world, but to save the world. 12:48 The one who rejects me and does not accept my words has a judge; the word I have spoken will judge him at the last day.

tn Grk “shouted out and said.”

sn The one who sent me refers to God.

sn Cf. John 1:18 and 14:9.

tn Grk “And if anyone”; the conjunction καί (kai, “and”) has been left untranslated here for improved English style.

tn Or “guard them,” “keep them.”

sn Cf. John 3:17.

tn Or “does not receive.”

tn Grk “has one who judges him.”

tn Or “message.”