Joel 1:8

A Call to Lament

1:8 Wail like a young virgin clothed in sackcloth,

lamenting the death of her husband-to-be.

Joel 1:11

1:11 Be distressed, farmers;

wail, vinedressers, over the wheat and the barley.

For the harvest of the field has perished.

Joel 1:14

1:14 Announce a holy fast;

proclaim a sacred assembly.

Gather the elders and all the inhabitants of the land

to the temple of the Lord your God,

and cry out to the Lord.

sn The verb is feminine singular, raising a question concerning its intended antecedent. A plural verb would be expected here, the idea being that all the inhabitants of the land should grieve. Perhaps Joel is thinking specifically of the city of Jerusalem, albeit in a representative sense. The choice of the feminine singular verb form has probably been influenced to some extent by the allusion to the young widow in the simile of v. 8.

tn Or “a young woman” (TEV, CEV). See the note on the phrase “husband-to-be” in the next line.

tn Heb “over the death of.” The term “lamenting” does not appear in the Hebrew, but is supplied in the translation for smoothness.

sn Heb “the husband of her youth.” The woman described here may already be married, so the reference is to the death of a husband rather than a fiancé (a husband-to-be). Either way, the simile describes a painful and unexpected loss to which the national tragedy Joel is describing may be compared.

tn Heb “embarrassed”; or “be ashamed.”

tn Heb “consecrate a fast” (so NASB).

tc The conjunction “and” does not appear in MT or LXX, but does appear in some Qumran texts (4QXIIc and 4QXIIg).