Job 7:17

Insignificance of Humans

7:17 “What is mankind that you make so much of them,

and that you pay attention to them?

Job 24:17

24:17 For all of them, the morning is to them

like deep darkness;

they are friends with the terrors of darkness.

tn The verse is a rhetorical question; it is intended to mean that man is too little for God to be making so much over him in all this.

tn The Piel verb is a factitive meaning “to magnify.” The English word “magnify” might not be the best translation here, for God, according to Job, is focusing inordinately on him. It means to magnify in thought, appreciate, think highly of. God, Job argues, is making too much of mankind by devoting so much bad attention on them.

tn The expression “set your heart on” means “concentrate your mind on” or “pay attention to.”

tn Heb “together.”