Job 5:6

5:6 For evil does not come up from the dust,

nor does trouble spring up from the ground,

Job 29:23

29:23 They waited for me as people wait for the rain,

and they opened their mouths

as for the spring rains.

sn The previous discussion shows how trouble rises, namely, from the rebelliousness of the fool. Here Eliphaz simply summarizes the points made with this general principle – trouble does not come from outside man, nor does it come as a part of the natural order, but rather it comes from the evil nature of man.

tn The phrase “people wait for” is not in the Hebrew text, but has been supplied in the translation.

sn The analogy is that they received his words eagerly as the dry ground opens to receive the rains.

tn The כּ (kaf) preposition is to be supplied by analogy with the preceding phrase. This leaves a double proposition, “as for” (but see Job 29:2).