Job 4:5

4:5 But now the same thing comes to you,

and you are discouraged;

it strikes you,

and you are terrified.

Job 23:15

23:15 That is why I am terrified in his presence;

when I consider, I am afraid because of him.

tn The sentence has no subject, but the context demands that the subject be the same kind of trouble that has come upon people that Job has helped.

tn This is the same verb used in v. 2, meaning “to be exhausted” or “impatient.” Here with the vav (ו) consecutive the verb describes Job’s state of mind that is a consequence of the trouble coming on him. In this sentence the form is given a present tense translation (see GKC 329 §111.t).

tn This final verb in the verse is vivid; it means “to terrify, dismay” (here the Niphal preterite). Job will go on to speak about all the terrors that come on him.