Job 27:4

27:4 my lips will not speak wickedness,

and my tongue will whisper no deceit.

Job 31:5

31:5 If I have walked in falsehood,

and if my foot has hastened to deceit –

tn The verse begins with אִם (’im), the formula used for the content of the oath (“God lives…if I do/do not…”). Thus, the content of the oath proper is here in v. 4.

tn The verb means “to utter; to mumble; to meditate.” The implication is that he will not communicate deceitful things, no matter how quiet or subtle.

tn The normal approach is to take this as the protasis, and then have it resumed in v. 7 after a parenthesis in v. 6. But some take v. 6 as the apodosis and a new protasis in v. 7.

tn The “if” is understood by the use of the consecutive verb.

sn The verbs “walk” and “hasten” (referring in the verse to the foot) are used metaphorically for the manner of life Job lived.