Job 17:4

17:4 Because you have closed their minds to understanding,

therefore you will not exalt them.

Job 32:10

32:10 Therefore I say, ‘Listen to me.

I, even I, will explain what I know.’

Job 33:7

33:7 Therefore no fear of me should terrify you,

nor should my pressure be heavy on you.

Job 34:25

34:25 Therefore, he knows their deeds,

he overthrows them in the night

and they are crushed.

Job 37:24

37:24 Therefore people fear him,

for he does not regard all the wise in heart.”

Job 42:6

42:6 Therefore I despise myself, 10 

and I repent in dust and ashes!

tn This half-verse gives the reason for the next half-verse.

sn The pronoun their refers to Job’s friends. They have not pledged security for him because God has hidden or sealed off their understanding.

tn The object “them” is supplied. This is the simplest reading of the line, taking the verb is an active Polel. Some suggest that the subject is “their hand” and the verb is to be translated “is not raised.” This would carry through the thought of the last verse, but it is not necessary to the point.

tc In most Hebrew mss this imperative is singular, and so addressed to Job. But two Hebrew mss and the versions have the plural. Elihu was probably addressing all of them.

tc The noun means “my pressure; my burden” in the light of the verb אָכֲף (’akhaf, “to press on; to grip tightly”). In the parallel passages the text used “hand” and “rod” in the hand to terrify. The LXX has “hand” here for this word. But simply changing it to “hand” is ruled out because the verb is masculine.

tn See Job 9:34 and 13:21.

tn The direct object “them” is implied and has been supplied in the translation for clarity.

tn The Hebrew term “night” is an accusative of time.

sn The phrase “wise of heart” was used in Job 9:4 in a negative sense.

10 tn Or “despise what I said.” There is no object on the verb; Job could be despising himself or the things he said (see L. J. Kuyper, “Repentance of Job,” VT 9 [1959]: 91-94).