Hebrews 3:13

3:13 But exhort one another each day, as long as it is called “Today,” that none of you may become hardened by sin’s deception.

Hebrews 5:4

5:4 And no one assumes this honor on his own initiative, but only when called to it by God, as in fact Aaron was.

Hebrews 9:2

9:2 For a tent was prepared, the outer one, which contained the lampstand, the table, and the presentation of the loaves; this is called the holy place.

sn Honor refers here to the honor of the high priesthood.

tn Grk “by himself, on his own.”

tn Grk “being called by God.”

tn Grk “the first,” in order of approach in the ritual.

tn Grk “in which [were].”

tn Grk “which,” describing the outer tent.