Genesis 31:21

31:21 He left with all he owned. He quickly crossed the Euphrates River and headed for the hill country of Gilead.

Genesis 31:47-48

31:47 Laban called it Jegar Sahadutha, but Jacob called it Galeed.

31:48 Laban said, “This pile of stones is a witness of our agreement today.” That is why it was called Galeed.

tn Heb “and he fled.”

tn Heb “he arose and crossed.” The first verb emphasizes that he wasted no time in getting across.

tn Heb “the river”; the referent (the Euphrates) has been specified in the translation for clarity.

tn Heb “he set his face.”

sn Jegar Sahadutha. Laban the Aramean gave the place an Aramaic name which means “witness pile” or “the pile is a witness.”

sn Galeed also means “witness pile” or “the pile is a witness,” but this name is Canaanite or Western Semitic and closer to later Hebrew. Jacob, though certainly capable of speaking Aramaic, here prefers to use the western dialect.

tn Heb “a witness between me and you.”