Genesis 28:22

28:22 Then this stone that I have set up as a sacred stone will be the house of God, and I will surely give you back a tenth of everything you give me.”

Genesis 30:31

30:31 So Laban asked, “What should I give you?” “You don’t need to give me a thing,” Jacob replied, “but if you agree to this one condition, I will continue to care for your flocks and protect them:

Genesis 34:12

34:12 You can make the bride price and the gift I must bring very expensive, and I’ll give 10  whatever you ask 11  of me. Just give me the young woman as my wife!”

tn The disjunctive clause structure (conjunction + noun/subject) is used to highlight the statement.

tn The infinitive absolute is used before the finite verb for emphasis.

tn Heb “and all which you give to me I will surely give a tenth of it to you.” The disjunctive clause structure (conjunction + noun/object) highlights this statement as well.

tn Heb “and he said.” The referent (Laban) has been specified in the translation for clarity.

tn The negated imperfect verbal form has an obligatory nuance.

tn The order of the introductory clause and the direct discourse has been rearranged in the translation for stylistic reasons.

tn Heb “If you do for me this thing.”

tn Heb “I will return, I will tend,” an idiom meaning “I will continue tending.”

tn Heb “Make very great upon me the bride price and gift.” The imperatives are used in a rhetorical manner. Shechem’s point is that he will pay the price, no matter how expensive it might be.

10 tn The cohortative expresses Shechem’s resolve to have Dinah as his wife.

11 tn Heb “say.”