Galatians 2:19

2:19 For through the law I died to the law so that I may live to God.

Galatians 3:4

3:4 Have you suffered so many things for nothing? – if indeed it was for nothing.

Galatians 3:7

3:7 so then, understand that those who believe are the sons of Abraham.

Galatians 3:9

3:9 So then those who believe are blessed along with Abraham the believer.

Galatians 4:3

4:3 So also we, when we were minors, were enslaved under the basic forces of the world.

Galatians 4:16

4:16 So then, have I become your enemy by telling you the truth?

Galatians 5:12

5:12 I wish those agitators would go so far as to castrate themselves!

tn Grk “know.”

tn The phrase “sons of Abraham” is used here in a figurative sense to describe people who are connected to a personality, Abraham, by close nonmaterial ties. It is this personality that has defined the relationship and its characteristics (BDAG 1024-25 s.v. υἱός 2.c.α).

tn Grk “those who are by faith,” with the Greek expression “by faith” (ἐκ πίστεως, ek pistew") the same as the expression in v. 8.

tn See the note on the word “minor” in 4:1.

tn Or “basic principles,” “elemental things,” or “elemental spirits.” Some interpreters take this as a reference to supernatural powers who controlled nature and/or human fate.

tn Or “have I become your enemy because I am telling you the truth?” The participle ἀληθεύων (alhqeuwn) can be translated as a causal adverbial participle or as a participle of means (as in the translation).

tn Grk “the ones who are upsetting you.” The same verb is used in Acts 21:38 to refer to a person who incited a revolt. Paul could be alluding indirectly to the fact that his opponents are inciting the Galatians to rebel against his teaching with regard to circumcision and the law.

tn Grk “would even.”

tn Or “make eunuchs of themselves”; Grk “cut themselves off.” This statement is rhetorical hyperbole on Paul’s part. It does strongly suggest, however, that Paul’s adversaries in this case (“those agitators”) were men. Some interpreters (notably Erasmus and the Reformers) have attempted to soften the meaning to a figurative “separate themselves” (meaning the opponents would withdraw from fellowship) but such an understanding dramatically weakens the rhetorical force of Paul’s argument. Although it has been argued that such an act of emasculation would be unthinkable for Paul, it must be noted that Paul’s statement is one of biting sarcasm, obviously not meant to be taken literally. See further G. Stählin, TDNT 3:853-55.