Ezekiel 40:10

40:10 There were three alcoves on each side of the east gate; the three had the same measurement, and the jambs on either side had the same measurement.

Ezekiel 40:21

40:21 Its alcoves, three on each side, and its jambs and porches had the same measurement as the first gate; 87½ feet long and 43¾ feet wide.

Ezekiel 41:17

41:17 to the space above the entrance, to the inner room, and on the outside, and on all the walls in the inner room and outside, by measurement.

sn The three alcoves are parallel to the city gates found at Megiddo, Hazor, and Gezer.

tn Heb “fifty cubits” (i.e., 26.25 meters).

tn Heb “twenty-five cubits” (i.e., 13.125 meters).

tc The LXX does not have the word “by measurements.” The word may be a technical term referring to carpentry technique, the exact meaning of which is unclear.