Ezekiel 21:30

21:30 Return it to its sheath!

In the place where you were created,

in your native land, I will judge you.

Ezekiel 23:31

23:31 You have followed the ways of your sister, so I will place her cup of judgment in your hand.

Ezekiel 37:27

37:27 My dwelling place will be with them; I will be their God, and they will be my people.

sn Once the Babylonian king’s sword (vv. 19-20) has carried out its assigned task, the Lord commands it to halt and announces that Babylon itself will also experience his judgment. See L. C. Allen, Ezekiel (WBC), 2:28.

tn In the Hebrew text of vv. 30-32 the second person verbal and pronominal forms are feminine singular. This may indicate that the personified Babylonian sword is being addressed. The Hebrew word for “sword” (see v. 28) is feminine. However, it may refer to the Ammonites.

tn Heb “her cup.” A cup of intoxicating strong drink is used, here and elsewhere, as a metaphor for judgment because both leave one confused and reeling. (See Jer 25:15, 17, 28; Hab 2:16.) The cup of wrath is a theme also found in the NT (Mark 14:36).