22:6 “‘See how each of the princes of Israel living within you has used his authority to shed blood. 2
28:3 Look, you are wiser than Daniel; 3
no secret is hidden from you. 4
1 tn Heb “and you gave them, by passing them through to them.” Some believe this alludes to the pagan practice of making children pass through the fire.
2 tn Heb “Look! The princes of Israel, each according to his arm, were in you in order to shed blood.”
3 sn Or perhaps “Danel” (so TEV), referring to a ruler known from Canaanite legend. See the note on “Daniel” in 14:14. A reference to Danel (preserved in legend at Ugarit, near the northern end of the Phoenician coast) makes more sense here when addressing Tyre than in 14:14.
4 sn The tone here is sarcastic, reflecting the ruler’s view of himself.