Ezekiel 14:4

14:4 Therefore speak to them and say to them, ‘This is what the sovereign Lord says: When any one from the house of Israel erects his idols in his heart and sets the obstacle leading to his iniquity before his face, and then consults a prophet, I the Lord am determined to answer him personally according to the enormity of his idolatry.

Ezekiel 17:22

17:22 “‘This is what the sovereign Lord says:

“‘I will take a sprig from the lofty top of the cedar and plant it.

I will pluck from the top one of its tender twigs;

I myself will plant it on a high and lofty mountain.

Ezekiel 18:20

18:20 The person who sins is the one who will die. A son will not suffer for his father’s iniquity, and a father will not suffer for his son’s iniquity; the righteous person will be judged according to his righteousness, and the wicked person according to his wickedness.

Ezekiel 20:8

20:8 But they rebelled against me, and refused to listen to me; no one got rid of their detestable idols, nor did they abandon the idols of Egypt. Then I decided to pour out my rage on them and fully vent my anger against them in the midst of the land of Egypt.

Ezekiel 20:13

20:13 But the house of Israel rebelled against me in the wilderness; they did not follow my statutes and they rejected my regulations (the one who obeys them will live by them), and they utterly desecrated my Sabbaths. So I decided to pour out my rage on them in the wilderness and destroy them. 10 

Ezekiel 20:21

20:21 “‘But the children 11  rebelled against me, did not follow my statutes, did not observe my regulations by carrying them out (the one who obeys 12  them will live by them), and desecrated my Sabbaths. I decided to pour out 13  my rage on them and fully vent my anger against them in the wilderness.

Ezekiel 33:6

33:6 But suppose the watchman sees the sword coming and does not blow the trumpet to warn the people. Then the sword comes and takes one of their lives. He is swept away for his iniquity, 14  but I will hold the watchman accountable for that person’s death.’ 15 

Ezekiel 33:24

33:24 “Son of man, the ones living in these ruins in the land of Israel are saying, ‘Abraham was only one man, yet he possessed the land, but we are many; surely the land has been given to us for a possession.’ 16 

Ezekiel 37:16

37:16 “As for you, son of man, take one branch, and write on it, ‘For Judah, and for the Israelites associated with him.’ Then take another branch and write on it, ‘For Joseph, the branch of Ephraim and all the house of Israel associated with him.’

Ezekiel 41:6-7

41:6 The side chambers were in three stories, one above the other, thirty in each story. There were offsets in the wall all around to serve as supports for the side chambers, so that the supports were not in the wall of the temple. 41:7 The side chambers surrounding the temple were wider at each successive story; 17  for the structure 18  surrounding the temple went up story by story all around the temple. For this reason the width of the temple increased as it went up, and one went up from the lowest story to the highest by the way of the middle story.

Ezekiel 45:1

The Lord’s Portion of the Land

45:1 “‘When you allot the land as an inheritance, you will offer an allotment 19  to the Lord, a holy portion from the land; the length will be eight and a quarter miles 20  and the width three and one-third miles. 21  This entire area will be holy. 22 

Ezekiel 45:7

45:7 “‘For the prince there will be land on both sides of the holy allotment and the allotted city, alongside the holy allotment and the allotted city, on the west side and on the east side; it will be comparable in length to one of the portions, from the west border to the east border

Ezekiel 46:11

46:11 “‘At the festivals and at the appointed feasts the grain offering will be an ephah with the bull and an ephah with the ram, and with the lambs as much as one is able, 23  and a gallon 24  of olive oil with each ephah of grain. 25 

Ezekiel 48:1

The Tribal Portions

48:1 “These are the names of the tribes: From the northern end beside the road of Hethlon to Lebo-hamath, as far as Hazar-enan (which is on the border of Damascus, toward the north beside Hamath), extending from the east side to the west, Dan will have one portion.

Ezekiel 48:8

48:8 “Next to the border of Judah from the east side to the west will be the allotment you must set apart. It is to be eight and a quarter miles 26  wide, and the same length as one of the tribal portions, from the east side to the west; the sanctuary will be in the middle of it.

Ezekiel 48:15

48:15 “The remainder, one and two-thirds miles 27  in width and eight and a quarter miles 28  in length, will be for common use by the city, for houses and for open space. The city will be in the middle of it;

tn Heb “in accordance with the multitude of his idols.”

sn The language is analogous to messianic imagery in Isa 11:1; Zech 3:8; 6:4 although the technical terminology is not the same.

tc The LXX lacks “and plant it.”

tn Heb “lift up, bear.”

tn Heb “lift up, bear.”

tn Heb “the righteousness of the righteous one will be upon him, and the wickedness of the wicked one will be upon him.”

tn Heb “each one, the detestable things of their eyes did not throw away.”

tn Heb “and I said/thought to pour out.”

tn Heb “and I said/thought to pour out.”

10 tn Heb “to bring them to an end.”

11 tn Heb “sons.”

12 tn Or “carries them out.”

13 tn Heb “and I said/thought to pour out.”

14 tn Or “in his punishment.” The phrase “in/for [a person’s] iniquity/punishment” occurs fourteen times in Ezekiel: here and in vv. 8 and 9; 3:18, 19; 4:17; 7:13, 16; 18: 17, 18, 19, 20; 24:23; 39:23. The Hebrew word for “iniquity” may also mean the “punishment” for iniquity or “guilt” of iniquity.

15 tn Heb “his blood from the hand of the watchman I will seek.”

16 sn Outside of its seven occurrences in Ezekiel the term translated “possession” appears only in Exod 6:8 and Deut 33:4.

17 tc The Hebrew is difficult here. The Targum envisions a winding ramp or set of stairs, which entails reading the first word as a noun rather than a verb and reading the second word also not as a verb, supposing that an initial mem has been read as vav and nun. See D. I. Block, Ezekiel (NICOT), 2:549.

18 tn The Hebrew term occurs only here in the OT.

19 tn Heb “a contribution.”

20 tn Heb “twenty-five thousand cubits” (i.e., 13.125 kilometers). The measuring units here are the Hebrew “long” cubit, consisting of a cubit (about 18 inches or 45 cm) and a handbreadth (about 3 inches or 7.5 cm), for a total of 21 inches (52.5 cm). Because modern readers are not familiar with the cubit as a unit of measurement, and due to the additional complication of the “long” cubit as opposed to the regular cubit, all measurements have been converted to American standard miles (one mile = 5,280 feet), with the Hebrew measurements and the metric equivalents given in the notes.

21 tc The LXX reads “twenty thousand cubits.”

tn Heb “ten thousand cubits” (i.e., 5.25 kilometers).

22 tn Heb “holy it is in all its territory round about.”

23 tn Or “as much as he wishes.” Heb “a gift of his hand.”

24 tn Heb “a hin of oil.” A hin was about 1/16 of a bath. See L. C. Allen, Ezekiel (WBC), 2:266, and O. R. Sellers, “Weights,” IDB 4:835 g.

25 tn Heb “ephah.” The words “of grain” are supplied in the translation as a clarification.

26 tn Heb “twenty-five thousand cubits” (i.e., 13.125 kilometers).

27 tn Heb “five thousand cubits” (i.e., 2.625 kilometers).

28 tn Heb “twenty-five thousand cubits” (i.e., 13.125 kilometers).