Acts 9:42

9:42 This became known throughout all Joppa, and many believed in the Lord.

Acts 27:37

27:37 (We were in all two hundred seventy-six persons on the ship.)

tn Or “known all over.” BDAG 511 s.v. κατά A.1.c. has “became known throughout all Joppa” for γνωστὸν γενέσθαι καθ᾿ ὅλης ᾿Ιόππης (gnwston genesqai kaq{olh" Iopph").

sn This became known…many believed in the Lord. This is a “sign” miracle that pictures how the Lord can give life.

tc One early ms (B) and an early version (sa) read “about seventy-six.” For discussion of how this variant probably arose, see F. F. Bruce, The Acts of the Apostles, 465.

sn This is a parenthetical note by the author.