2 Kings 4:42

Elisha Miraculously Feeds a Hundred People

4:42 Now a man from Baal Shalisha brought some food for the prophet – twenty loaves of bread made from the firstfruits of the barley harvest, as well as fresh ears of grain. Elisha said, “Set it before the people so they may eat.”

2 Kings 7:13

7:13 One of his advisers replied, “Pick some men and have them take five of the horses that are left in the city. (Even if they are killed, their fate will be no different than that of all the Israelite people – we’re all going to die!) Let’s send them out so we can know for sure what’s going on.”

2 Kings 7:17

7:17 Now the king had placed the officer who was his right-hand man at the city gate. When the people rushed out, they trampled him to death in the gate. This fulfilled the prophet’s word which he had spoken when the king tried to arrest him.

2 Kings 9:6

9:6 So Jehu got up and went inside. Then the prophet 10  poured the olive oil on his head and said to him, “This is what the Lord God of Israel says, ‘I have designated you as king over the Lord’s people Israel.

2 Kings 11:14

11:14 Then she saw 11  the king standing by the pillar, according to custom. The officers stood beside the king with their trumpets and all the people of the land were celebrating and blowing trumpets. Athaliah tore her clothes and screamed, “Treason, treason!” 12 

2 Kings 11:18-19

11:18 All the people of the land went and demolished 13  the temple of Baal. They smashed its altars and idols 14  to bits. 15  They killed Mattan the priest of Baal in front of the altar. Jehoiada the priest 16  then placed guards at the Lord’s temple. 11:19 He took the officers of the units of hundreds, the Carians, the royal bodyguard, and all the people of land, and together they led the king down from the Lord’s temple. They entered the royal palace through the Gate of the Royal Bodyguard, 17  and the king 18  sat down on the royal throne.

2 Kings 12:4

12:4 Jehoash said to the priests, “I place at your disposal 19  all the consecrated silver that has been brought to the Lord’s temple, including the silver collected from the census tax, 20  the silver received from those who have made vows, 21  and all the silver that people have voluntarily contributed to the Lord’s temple. 22 

2 Kings 15:5

15:5 The Lord afflicted the king with an illness; he suffered from a skin disease 23  until the day he died. He lived in separate quarters, 24  while his son Jotham was in charge of the palace and ruled over the people of the land.

2 Kings 16:15

16:15 King Ahaz ordered Uriah the priest, “On the large altar 25  offer the morning burnt sacrifice, the evening grain offering, the royal burnt sacrifices and grain offering, the burnt sacrifice for all the people of Israel, their grain offering, and their libations. Sprinkle all the blood of the burnt sacrifice and other sacrifices on it. The bronze altar will be for my personal use.” 26 

2 Kings 17:6

17:6 In the ninth year of Hoshea’s reign, the king of Assyria captured Samaria and deported the people of Israel 27  to Assyria. He settled them in Halah, along the Habor (the river of Gozan), and in the cities of the Medes.

2 Kings 17:26

17:26 The king of Assyria was told, 28  “The nations whom you deported and settled in the cities of Samaria do not know the requirements of the God of the land, so he has sent lions among them. They are killing the people 29  because they do not know the requirements of the God of the land.”

2 Kings 18:22

18:22 Perhaps you will tell me, ‘We are trusting in the Lord our God.’ But Hezekiah is the one who eliminated his high places and altars and then told the people of Judah and Jerusalem, ‘You must worship at this altar in Jerusalem.’

2 Kings 18:26

18:26 Eliakim son of Hilkiah, Shebna, and Joah said to the chief adviser, “Speak to your servants in Aramaic, 30  for we understand it. Don’t speak with us in the Judahite dialect 31  in the hearing of the people who are on the wall.”

2 Kings 20:5

20:5 “Go back and tell Hezekiah, the leader of my people: ‘This is what the Lord God of your ancestor David says: “I have heard your prayer; I have seen your tears. Look, I will heal you. The day after tomorrow 32  you will go up to the Lord’s temple.

2 Kings 22:13

22:13 “Go, seek an oracle from 33  the Lord for me and the people – for all Judah. Find out about 34  the words of this scroll that has been discovered. For the Lord’s fury has been ignited against us, 35  because our ancestors have not obeyed the words of this scroll by doing all that it instructs us to do.” 36 

2 Kings 22:19

22:19 ‘You displayed a sensitive spirit 37  and humbled yourself before the Lord when you heard how I intended to make this place and its residents into an appalling example of an accursed people. 38  You tore your clothes and wept before me, and I have heard you,’ says the Lord.

2 Kings 23:3

23:3 The king stood by the pillar and renewed 39  the covenant before the Lord, agreeing to follow 40  the Lord and to obey his commandments, laws, and rules with all his heart and being, 41  by carrying out the terms 42  of this covenant recorded on this scroll. All the people agreed to keep the covenant. 43 

2 Kings 23:30

23:30 His servants transported his dead body 44  from Megiddo in a chariot and brought it to Jerusalem, where they buried him in his tomb. The people of the land took Josiah’s son Jehoahaz, poured olive oil on his head, 45  and made him king in his father’s place.

2 Kings 23:35

23:35 Jehoiakim paid Pharaoh the required amount of silver and gold, but to meet Pharaoh’s demands Jehoiakim had to tax the land. He collected an assessed amount from each man among the people of the land in order to pay Pharaoh Necho. 46 

2 Kings 25:19

25:19 From the city he took a eunuch who was in charge of the soldiers, five 47  of the king’s advisers 48  who were discovered in the city, an official army secretary who drafted citizens 49  for military service, and sixty citizens from the people of the land who were discovered in the city.

tn Heb “man of God.”

tn On the meaning of the word צִקְלוֹן (tsiqlon), “ear of grain,” see HALOT 148 s.v. בָּצֵק and M. Cogan and H. Tadmor, II Kings (AB), 59.

tn Heb “he”; the referent (Elisha) has been specified in the translation for clarity.

tn Heb “Let them take five of the remaining horses that remain in it. Look, they are like all the people of Israel that remain in it. Look, they are like all the people of Israel that have come to an end.” The MT is dittographic here; the words “that remain in it. Look they are like all the people of Israel” have been accidentally repeated. The original text read, “Let them take five of the remaining horses that remain in it. Look, they are like all the people of Israel that have come to an end.”

tn Heb “and let us send so we might see.”

tn Heb “the officer on whose hand he leans.”

tn Heb “and the people trampled him in the gate and he died.”

tn Heb “just as the man of God had spoken, [the word] which he spoke when the king came down to him.”

tn Heb “he”; the referent (Jehu) has been specified in the translation for clarity.

10 tn Heb “he”; the referent (the prophet) has been specified in the translation for clarity.

11 tn Heb “and she saw, and look.”

12 tn Or “conspiracy, conspiracy.”

13 tn Or “tore down.”

14 tn Or “images.”

15 tn The Hebrew construction translated “smashed…to bits” is emphatic. The adverbial infinitive absolute (הֵיטֵב [hetev], “well”) accompanying the Piel form of the verb שָׁבַר (shavar), “break,” suggests thorough demolition.

16 tn Heb “the priest.” Jehoiada’s name is added for clarification.

17 tn Heb “the Gate of the Runners of the House of the King.”

18 tn Heb “he”; the referent (the king) has been specified in the translation for clarity.

19 tn The words “I place at your disposal” are added in the translation for clarification.

20 tn Heb “the silver of passing over a man.” The precise meaning of the phrase is debated, but עָבַר (’avar), “pass over,” probably refers here to counting, suggesting the reference is to a census conducted for taxation purposes. See M. Cogan and H. Tadmor, II Kings (AB), 137.

21 tn Heb “the silver of persons, his valuation.” The precise meaning of the phrase is uncertain, but parallels in Lev 27 suggest that personal vows are referred to here. See M. Cogan and H. Tadmor, II Kings (AB), 137.

22 tn Heb “all the silver which goes up on the heart of a man to bring to the house of the Lord.”

23 tn Traditionally, “he was a leper.” But see the note at 5:1.

24 tn The precise meaning of בֵית הַחָפְשִׁית (bet hakhofÿshit), “house of […?],” is uncertain. For a discussion of various proposals, see M. Cogan and H. Tadmor, II Kings (AB), 166-67.

25 tn That is, the newly constructed altar.

26 tn Heb “for me to seek.” The precise meaning of בָּקַר (baqar), “seek,” is uncertain in this context. For discussion see M. Cogan and H. Tadmor, II Kings (AB), 189.

27 tn The Hebrew text has simply “Israel” as the object of the verb.

28 tn Heb “and they said to the king of Assyria, saying.” The plural subject of the verb is indefinite.

29 tn Heb “Look they are killing them.”

30 sn Aramaic was the diplomatic language of the empire.

31 tn Or “Hebrew.”

32 tn Heb “on the third day.”

33 tn Or “inquire of.”

34 tn Heb “concerning.”

35 tn Heb “for great is the anger of the Lord which has been ignited against us.”

36 tn Heb “by doing all that is written concerning us.” Perhaps עָלֵינוּ (’alenu), “concerning us,” should be altered to עָלָיו (’alav), “upon it,” in which case one could translate, “by doing all that is written in it.”

37 tn Heb “Because your heart was tender.”

38 tn Heb “how I said concerning this place and its residents to become [an object of] horror and [an example of] a curse.” The final phrase (“horror and a curse”) refers to Judah becoming a prime example of an accursed people. In curse formulations they would be held up as a prime example of divine judgment. For an example of such a curse, see Jer 29:22.

39 tn Heb “cut,” that is, “made, agreed to.”

40 tn Heb “walk after.”

41 tn Or “soul.”

42 tn Heb “words.”

43 tn Heb “stood in the covenant.”

44 tn Heb “him, dead.”

45 tn Or “anointed him.”

46 tn Heb “And the silver and the gold Jehoiakim gave to Pharaoh, but he taxed the land to give the silver at the command of Pharaoh, [from] each according to his tax he collected the silver and the gold, from the people of the land, to give to Pharaoh Necho.”

47 tn The parallel passage in Jer 52:25 has “seven.”

48 tn Heb “five seers of the king’s face.”

49 tn Heb “the people of the land.”