1 Timothy 1:5

1:5 But the aim of our instruction is love that comes from a pure heart, a good conscience, and a sincere faith.

1 Timothy 1:7

1:7 They want to be teachers of the law, but they do not understand what they are saying or the things they insist on so confidently.

1 Timothy 1:13

1:13 even though I was formerly a blasphemer and a persecutor, and an arrogant man. But I was treated with mercy because I acted ignorantly in unbelief,

1 Timothy 3:5

3:5 But if someone does not know how to manage his own household, how will he care for the church of God?

1 Timothy 4:8

4:8 For “physical exercise has some value, but godliness is valuable in every way. It holds promise for the present life and for the life to come.”

1 Timothy 4:12

4:12 Let no one look down on you because you are young, but set an example for the believers in your speech, conduct, love, faithfulness, and purity.

1 Timothy 5:8

5:8 But if someone does not provide for his own, especially his own family, he has denied the faith and is worse than an unbeliever.

1 Timothy 5:11

5:11 But do not accept younger widows on the list, because their passions may lead them away from Christ and they will desire to marry,

1 Timothy 6:4

6:4 he is conceited and understands nothing, but has an unhealthy interest in controversies and verbal disputes. This gives rise to envy, dissension, slanders, evil suspicions,

1 Timothy 6:11

6:11 But you, as a person dedicated to God, 10  keep away from all that. 11  Instead pursue righteousness, godliness, faithfulness, love, endurance, and gentleness.

tn Grk “the instruction,” referring to orthodox Christian teaching and ministry in general, in contrast to that of the false teachers mentioned in 1:3-4.

tn Grk “love from a pure heart and a good conscience and a sincere faith.”

tn The Greek reinforces this negation: “understand neither what they are saying nor the things they insist on…”

tn Or “violent,” “cruel.”

tn Grk “bodily training” (using the noun form of the verb “train” in v. 7b).

tn Or “faith.”

tn That is, “his own relatives.”

tn Grk “refuse younger widows.”

tn With a single verb and object, this clause means “pursue sensuous desires in opposition to Christ.”

10 tn Grk “O man of God.”

11 tn Grk “flee these things.”