1 Samuel 1:28

1:28 Now I dedicate him to the Lord. From this time on he is dedicated to the Lord.” Then they worshiped the Lord there.

1 Samuel 2:17

2:17 The sin of these young men was very great in the Lord’s sight, for they treated the Lord’s offering with contempt.

1 Samuel 2:34

2:34 This will be a confirming sign for you that will be fulfilled through your two sons, Hophni and Phinehas: in a single day they both will die!

1 Samuel 4:9-10

4:9 Be strong and act like men, you Philistines, or else you will wind up serving the Hebrews the way they have served you! Act like men and fight!”

4:10 So the Philistines fought. Israel was defeated; they all ran home. The slaughter was very great; thirty thousand foot soldiers fell in battle.

1 Samuel 5:2

5:2 The Philistines took the ark of God and brought it into the temple of Dagon, where they positioned it beside Dagon.

1 Samuel 6:11

6:11 They put the ark of the Lord on the cart, along with the chest, the gold mice, and the images of the sores.

1 Samuel 7:13

7:13 So the Philistines were defeated; they did not invade Israel again. The hand of the Lord was against the Philistines all the days of Samuel.

1 Samuel 8:2

8:2 The name of his firstborn son was Joel, and the name of his second son was Abijah. They were judges in Beer Sheba.

1 Samuel 8:6

8:6 But this request displeased Samuel, for they said, “Give us a king to lead us.” So Samuel prayed to the Lord.

1 Samuel 8:9

8:9 So now do as they say. But seriously warn them and make them aware of the policies of the king who will rule over them.”

1 Samuel 8:19

8:19 But the people refused to heed Samuel’s warning. Instead they said, “No! There will be a king over us!

1 Samuel 9:12

9:12 They replied, “Yes, straight ahead! But hurry now, for he came to the town today, and the people are making a sacrifice at the high place.

1 Samuel 10:4

10:4 They will ask you how you’re doing and will give you two loaves of bread. You will accept them.

1 Samuel 10:22-23

10:22 So they inquired again of the Lord, “Has the man arrived here yet?” The Lord said, “He has hidden himself among the equipment.” 10 

10:23 So they ran and brought him from there. When he took his position among the people, he stood head and shoulders above them all.

1 Samuel 10:27

10:27 But some wicked men 11  said, “How can this man save us?” They despised him and did not even bring him a gift. But Saul said nothing about it. 12 

1 Samuel 12:21

12:21 You should not turn aside after empty things that can’t profit and can’t deliver, since they are empty. 13 

1 Samuel 13:6

13:6 The men of Israel realized they had a problem because their army was hard pressed. So the army hid in caves, thickets, cliffs, strongholds, 14  and cisterns.

1 Samuel 14:9

14:9 If they say to us, ‘Stay put until we approach you,’ we will stay 15  right there and not go up to them.

1 Samuel 14:20

14:20 Saul and all the army that was with him assembled and marched into battle, where they found 16  the Philistines in total panic killing one another with their swords. 17 

1 Samuel 14:22

14:22 When all the Israelites who had hidden themselves in the hill country of Ephraim heard that the Philistines had fled, they too pursued them in battle.

1 Samuel 14:26

14:26 When the army entered the forest, they saw 18  the honey flowing, but no one ate any of it, 19  for the army was afraid of the oath.

1 Samuel 14:30

14:30 Certainly if the army had eaten some of the enemies’ provisions that they came across today, would not the slaughter of the Philistines have been even greater?”

1 Samuel 14:32

14:32 So the army rushed greedily on 20  the 21  plunder, confiscating sheep, cattle, and calves. They slaughtered them right on the ground, and the army ate them blood and all.

1 Samuel 17:2

17:2 Saul and the Israelite army 22  assembled and camped in the valley of Elah, where they arranged their battle lines to fight against 23  the Philistines.

1 Samuel 17:18

17:18 Also take these ten portions of cheese to their commanding officer. 24  Find out how your brothers are doing 25  and bring back their pledge that they received the goods. 26 

1 Samuel 17:30

17:30 Then he turned from those who were nearby to someone else and asked the same question, 27  but they 28  gave him the same answer as before.

1 Samuel 19:8

19:8 Now once again there was war. So David went out to fight the Philistines. He defeated them thoroughly 29  and they ran away from him.

1 Samuel 19:16

19:16 When the messengers came, they found only the idol on the bed and the quilt made of goat’s hair at its head.

1 Samuel 22:4

22:4 So he had them stay with the king of Moab; they stayed with him the whole time 30  that David was in the stronghold.

1 Samuel 23:12

23:12 David asked, “Will the leaders of Keilah deliver me and my men into Saul’s hand?” The Lord said, “They will deliver you over.”

1 Samuel 25:1

The Death of Samuel

25:1 Samuel died, and all Israel assembled and mourned him. They buried him at his home in Ramah. Then David left and went down to the desert of Paran. 31 

1 Samuel 25:9

25:9 So David’s servants went and spoke all these words to Nabal in David’s name. Then they paused.

1 Samuel 25:15-16

25:15 These men were very good to us. They did not insult us, nor did we sustain any loss during the entire time we were together 32  in the field. 25:16 Both night and day they were a protective wall for us the entire time we were with them, while we were tending our flocks.

1 Samuel 30:1

David Defeats the Amalekites

30:1 On the third day David and his men came to Ziklag. Now the Amalekites had raided the Negev and Ziklag. They attacked Ziklag and burned it. 33 

1 Samuel 30:3

30:3 When David and his men came to the city, they found it burned. 34  Their wives, sons, and daughters had been taken captive.

1 Samuel 30:19

30:19 There was nothing missing, whether small or great. He retrieved sons and daughters, the plunder, and everything else they had taken. 35  David brought everything back.

1 Samuel 31:2

31:2 The Philistines stayed right on the heels 36  of Saul and his sons. They 37  struck down Saul’s sons Jonathan, Abinadab, and Malki-Shua.

1 Samuel 31:8

31:8 The next day, when the Philistines came to strip loot from the corpses, they discovered Saul and his three sons lying dead 38  on Mount Gilboa.

1 Samuel 31:10

31:10 They placed Saul’s armor in the temple of the Ashtoreths 39  and hung his corpse on the city wall of Beth Shan.

tn Heb “he,” apparently referring to Samuel (but cf. CEV “Elkanah”). A few medieval manuscripts and some ancient versions take the verb as plural (cf. TEV, NLT).

tc Heb “the men,” which is absent from one medieval Hebrew ms, a Qumran ms, and the LXX.

tn Heb “and this to you [is] the sign which will come to both of your sons.”

tn Heb “and they fled, each to his tents.”

tn Heb “when.”

tn Heb “and now, listen to their voice.”

tn The infinitive absolute appears before the imperative for emphasis.

tn Heb “and tell them the manner of the king who will rule over them.”

tn Heb “and the people refused to listen to the voice of Samuel.”

10 tn Or “baggage” (so many English versions); KJV “stuff”; TEV “supplies.”

11 tn Heb “sons of worthlessness” (see 2:12).

12 tc In place of the MT (“and it was like one being silent”) the LXX has “after about a month,” taking the expression with the first part of the following chapter rather than with 10:27. Some Hebrew support for this reading appears in the corrected hand of a Qumran ms of Samuel, which has here “about a month.” However, it seems best to stay with the MT here even though it is difficult.

13 tn Or “useless” (so NIV, NRSV, NLT); NAB “nothing”; NASB “futile”; TEV “are not real.”

14 tn Or perhaps “vaults.” This rare term also occurs in Judg 9:46, 49. Cf. KJV “high places”; ASV “coverts”; NAB “caverns”; NASB “cellars”; NIV, NCV, TEV “pits”; NRSV, NLT “tombs.”

15 tn Heb “stand.”

16 tn Heb “and look, there was”

17 tn Heb “the sword of a man against his companion, a very great panic.”

18 tn Heb “and the army entered the forest, and look!”

19 tn Heb “and there was no one putting his hand to his mouth.”

20 tc The translation follows the Qere and many medieval Hebrew mss in reading “and they rushed greedily upon,” rather than the Kethib, “and they did.”

21 tc The translation reads with the Qere and many medieval Hebrew mss הַשָּׁלָל (hashalal, “the spoil”) rather than following the Kethib reading, שָׁלָל (shalal, “spoil”).

22 tn Heb “the men of Israel” (so KJV, NASB); NAB, NIV, NRSV “the Israelites.”

23 tn Heb “to meet.”

24 tn Heb “officer of the thousand.”

25 tn Heb “and your brothers, observe with respect to welfare.”

26 tn Heb “and their pledge take.” This probably refers to some type of confirmation that the goods arrived safely. See R. W. Klein, 1 Samuel (WBC), 177. Cf. NIV “bring back some assurance”; NCV “some proof to show me they are all right”; NLT “bring me back a letter from them.”

27 tn Heb “and spoke according to this word.”

28 tn Heb “the people.”

29 tn Heb “and he struck them down with a great blow.”

30 tn Heb “all the days.”

31 tc The LXX reads “Maon” here instead of “Paran,” perhaps because the following account of Nabal is said to be in Maon (v. 2). This reading is followed by a number of English versions (e.g., NAB, NIV, NCV, NLT). The MT, however, reads “Paran,” a location which would parallel this portion of David’s life with that of the nation Israel which also spent time in Paran (Num 10:12). Also, the desert of Paran was on the southern border of Judah’s territory and would be the most isolated location for hiding from Saul.

32 tn Heb “all the days we walked about with them when we were.”

33 tn The Hebrew text adds “with fire.”

34 tn Heb “and David and his men came to the city, and look, it was burned with fire.”

35 tn Heb “there was nothing missing to them, from the small even unto the great, and unto sons and daughters, and from loot even unto all which they had taken for themselves.”

36 tn Heb “stuck close after.”

37 tn Heb “the Philistines.”

38 tn Heb “fallen.”

39 sn The Semitic goddess Astarte was associated with love and war in the ancient Near East. See the note on the same term in 7:3.