2 Kings 25:27-28

Jehoiachin in Babylon

25:27 In the thirty-seventh year of the exile of King Jehoiachin of Judah, on the twenty-seventh day of the twelfth month, King Evil-Merodach of Babylon, in the first year of his reign, pardoned King Jehoiachin of Judah and released him from prison. 25:28 He spoke kindly to him and gave him a more prestigious position than the other kings who were with him in Babylon.

sn The parallel account in Jer 52:31 has “twenty-fifth.”

sn The twenty-seventh day would be March 22, 561 b.c. in modern reckoning.

tn Heb “lifted up the head of.”

tn The words “released him” are supplied in the translation on the basis of Jer 52:31.

tn Heb “made his throne above the throne of.”