1 Chronicles 7:30-40

Asher’s Descendants

7:30 The sons of Asher:

Imnah, Ishvah, Ishvi, and Beriah. Serah was their sister.

7:31 The sons of Beriah:

Heber and Malkiel, who was the father of Birzaith.

7:32 Heber was the father of Japhlet, Shomer, Hotham, and Shua their sister.

7:33 The sons of Japhlet:

Pasach, Bimhal, and Ashvath. These were Japhlet’s sons.

7:34 The sons of his brother Shemer:

Rohgah, Hubbah, and Aram.

7:35 The sons of his brother Helem:

Zophah, Imna, Shelesh, and Amal.

7:36 The sons of Zophah:

Suah, Harnepher, Shual, Beri, Imrah, 7:37 Bezer, Hod, Shamma, Shilshah, Ithran, and Beera.

7:38 The sons of Jether:

Jephunneh, Pispah, and Ara.

7:39 The sons of Ulla:

Arah, Hanniel, and Rizia.

7:40 All these were the descendants of Asher. They were the leaders of their families, the most capable men, who were warriors and served as head chiefs. There were 26,000 warriors listed in their genealogical records as capable of doing battle.